The field trials season is already underway in southern Europe. The earliest programmes include SynTech’s increasingly large number of trials to evaluate novel biocontrol products and biostimulants; SynTech in Iberia is the major European centre for these programmes . Biofungicide applications for protection against wood (Trichoderma sp) fungal infection of vine pruning wounds have already started in SynTech Spain.

The trials include pruning before application to wound the plant (simulating normal management), laboratory analysis to check penetration of the biofungicide and disease identification, using a special semi-selective medium. The trials also include artificial inoculation of pathogens (Phaeacremonium aleophilum and Phaeomoniella chlamydospora), to check the biofungicide’s efficacy.  


Biofungicide trial, vineyard

Artificial inoculation with pathogens