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Food Processing

SynTech Research offers a range of technical processing, process routes and options in order to suit the requirements of the commodity/agricultural product.

SynTech’s dedicated processing facilities are based in Europe:
France – Troyes  and Nimes
Spain – Sevilla.

Our experienced and dedicated staff, with over 15 years of experience, include two Oenologists, a Maltster/Brewer, a Bread specialist and Food Technician. They work with standard procedures – and on complex assignments.

Commodities processed include: cereals, fruit and vegetables and oilseeds. Our range of processes covered include: brewing (beer, cider), baking, winemaking, oilseed and olive oil extraction and refinement, juicing, preserving, canning, jams, ketchup, puree and drying, cooking and malolactic fermentation, to GEP/GLP requirements.

For further information please email: info@syntechresearch.com


The short video below provides an informative tour of the French facilities.
To launch click on the start arrow in the video below.


Bread processing

Oilseed rape processing

Tomato processing

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