Increasing numbers of new Biostimulant and Biopesticide products are being launched, from the major crop protection multinationals through to specialised suppliers, stimulated by grower/consumer demand, accentuated by government policies such as the EU “Green Deal”.
Such products invariably require specialised treatment and assessment, based on good agronomic as well as scientific expertise. During 2020 SynTech has been expanding the quantity and breadth of its existing “Expert Services” in these areas, to determine where and how the potential products work, to provide information for clients to make robust claims.
Our Biostimulant testing capabilities now cover the range of studies required, including yield and quality enhancement, abiotic stress tolerance, (drought, heat, light, salinity, wind), plant nutrition, crop emergence, fruit setting, and root development
Appropriate techniques and testing protocols have been designed and proven in studies in an extensive range of arable and horticultural crops, using our worldwide network of field stations in over 30 countries. Tests include screening and evaluation in laboratories/glasshouses/growth chambers and trials in our field stations and commercial fields, using a range of application techniques.
An extensive range of assessment types cover aspects of crop development, photosynthetic activity, nutrient absorption and analyses of yield and quality. For further information on our biostimulants services please click here
Our Biopesticide programs cover Macrobials – Invertebrate Biocontrol Agents (IBCAs) – insects, mites and entomopathogenic nematodes – and Microbials and Microbial Biocontrol Agents (MBCAs) – bacteria, fungi and viruses. They include screening and evaluation in laboratories/glasshouses and growth chambers and trials at the field stations and in commercial fields. Techniques used include syringe application and chemigation with tailored irrigation systems – flood, sprinkler and drip.
We have now conducted particularly extensive Biopesticide programs in the US, Latin America – Argentina, Costa Rica and Chile, and in Europe – Spain, Portugal and France.
For further information of our biopesticides services, please click here
For information on Biopesticide Regulatory Services, please see:, which shows the offering by our partner GAB, currently merging with SynTech Research