Aerial spraying is of particular benefit and applicability in open field commercial crops, including rice, cereals, OSR, melons, tomatoes, potatoes, melons, strawberries, turf and grass-land. The use of drones for low-volume arial spray applications has multiple benefits, particularly high levels of operational efficiency and precision application. Through a combination of in-house knowledge and our partners’ expertise, SynTech Research Iberia has now started to use drones for applications in such crops. Efficacy, selectivity and demonstration trials, using Plant Protection Products and with Biostimulants, can all be conducted..
Should you like to know more about SynTech Iberia’s capabilities, please contact Francisco Lopez. For details about trials with biostimulants, please contact Esther Debón.

Watch a very short video on SynTech Spain’s drone spraying application by clicking: Drone application in a field trial in Valencia (Spain)