Environmental chemistry (GLP) residue services
With its global network of GLP field stations and test sites, GLP Processing laboratories in Europe and Analytical laboratories in the USA & Brazil, SynTech Research together with its merger partners BIOTEK Agriculture (EU, UK and Ukraine) and Promovert offers a complete GLP residue service.
Studies supporting regional/national dossier or Import Tolerance Studies are undertaken according to the GLP standards, guidelines and requirements applicable in targeted geographies (EPA, PMRA, EFSA and national EU country requirements, OECD, JMAFF, INMETRO and national/regional requirements of other LATAM and Asian Authorities).
SynTech Research is able to provide tailor-made solutions including:
GLP Study Directorship / GLP Test Facility:
Our experienced and reliable teams of GLP Study Directors based in the EU, US and Brazil can manage all phases (field, processing, analytical phases) of GLP studies.
Field Phases:
Whether designated as Test Facilities or Field Test sites, our global network of field sites in over 40 countries ensures comprehensive coverage of all key crops and locations meeting phytosanitary restrictions, specific soil types or other field requirements to be met. Our major locations broaden our access to highly specific crops managed by our teams. We also work with preferred field partners to cover regions where SynTech Research is not present.
The following types of Field Phases can be conducted:
- Magnitude of residues
- Rotational crops
- Dislodgeable foliar residues
- Operator Exposure
- Terrestrial field dissipation
- Other specific studies (e.g. seedlings, seed scattering, stored grains)
Field phases are conducted with appropriate application equipment, to ensure representation of local agricultural practices.
Processing phases:
Our GLP processing labs in Europe allow GLP processing of a wide range of Raw Agricultural Commodities either originated from Europe or from other geographies, to support import tolerance studies through various semi-industrial processes.
In geographies where our own processing facilities are not available, processing phases are delegated to reliable facilities which have expertise and correspo ending equipment to match your processing needs.
Analytical phases:
Experienced chemists and investigators in our own analytical laboratories in the USA, Europe & Brazil work with state-of-the-art equipment (LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS instruments) for fast and accurate residue measurements.
Services offered include:
- Analysis of samples from crop, animal and environmental studies, including ecotoxicology matrices
- LC/MS/MS capability on both Thermo and Sciex platforms (HPLC and UPLC)
- Laboratory guideline studies including:
- Method development and validation
- Method refinement for new crop, aquatic, animal tissue, animal feed and pollinator matrices
- Independent laboratory validation (ILV)
- Frozen storage stability
- Multi-residue method assessment
- Soil dissipation
- Field volatility and spray drift measurement
- Transferable turf residue (TTR)
In geographies where our own labs are not available, analytical phases are delegated to reliable laboratories which have expertise and corresponding equipment to match your analytical needs.
Full GLP Compliance of all the phases placed with SynTech Research Group is ensured by our team of qualified QA personnel.
For further information please email: info@syntechresearch.com