Fruit crop trial capabilities expanded
SynTech’s new satellite station in the southern Philippines is focused on commercial export fruit crops (banana, pineapple and mango) providing all year round residue and bio-efficacy trials services.
The new site site augments the Cabanatuan (Luzon) main station and will facilitate residue studies in pineapple, the country’s second most important export fruit crop after banana. These studies can last 650 days, from planting to the last fruit sampling of the first ratoon: fungicide applications are made at full flowering, 175 days after planting, and 66 days after flower forcing, with a second application at first side shoot, 165 – 180 days after the first treatment.
The new site also facilitates Mango trials: bio-efficacy, GLP residue and large demo plot trials for product launches. Year-round trials are done onsite, or in orchards if needed, for spatial separation between trials. Target pests are: leafhoppers, thrips, fruit flies, seed borer, Cecid fly, tip and twig borers. Diseases include: anthracnose, scab and diplodia stem-end rot.
Our Field Biologists have long experience with target pests and crop phenology and are accredited by the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority to conduct registration trials.