Bioefficacy (GEP) services
SynTech Research is a global contract research organization, including many seasoned professionals with wide expertise in the research and development of crop protection products. It delivers high quality GEP field, greenhouse and laboratory studies to determine the efficacy and crop safety of both new and existing products, adding value and competitive advantage for clients through in-depth knowledge of the crop protection industry.
SynTech Research has a reputation as a leading provider of bioefficacy studies at global, regional and country level, to over 200 client companies worldwide.
SynTech has a network of facilities in over 40 countries, many with multiple laboratory and field locations and long-standing co-operator agreements, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all key crops and targets.
These sites offer a range of bio-efficacy services, including laboratory, greenhouse and field evaluation of: Agrochemicals: herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, plant growth regulators, adjuvants, safeners
Biostimulants: nutrient uptake and efficiency, stress tolerance and crop quality enhancers – see further information here
Biocontrol: macrobials (insects, mites and entomopathogenic nematodes), microbial, (bacteria, fungi, virus) and natural and semio-chemicals – see further information here
Beneficial organisms
Seed and trait products – see Seed Services webpage
Fertilizers/crop nutrition chemicals
Biocides Trials are conducted on a full range of agricultural and horticultural crops, ornamentals, amenity and public health pests.
Product evaluation takes place during all stages of the R&D process, from early screening through development and registration work, to demonstration trials. In addition to routine efficacy testing, special trials are conducted, such as: crop tolerance/rotation, variety (including GMO/gene-edited) screens, rain-fastness and pest / weed / disease resistance evaluation and monitoring. Application methods used include sprays, granular application and seed treatments, and products are tested for both pre-and post-harvest usage.
Specialist studies
In addition to its core offering of field trials using conventional foliar or soil applications SynTech Research provides a range of special laboratory, glasshouse and field services.
These require specific facilities and protocols, developed by SynTech’s teams, often with purpose-built equipment:
Early stage screening
Discovery screening services for Agrochemicals, Biopesticides and Biostimulants, across a broad range of crops, pests and microorganisms.
For more information click here
Resistance monitoring
Testing programs for resistance and cross-resistance to other Modes of Action.
For more information please click here
Soil treatments

Herbicide volatility trial
Fertilizers and pesticides including nematicides, in glasshouse and field crops. Chemigation, spray and granule applications.
Product properties
Including rainfastness (field and controlled environment), repellent/antifeedant and vapour effects.
Post-harvest services
Yield and quality evaluations
- solids, starch, acidity, minerals, physiology
- yield, size, weight, firmness and color
- pre-and post-cold storage assessments
Processing phase
- desiccation, concentrates and juice
- vinification
- oil production
To download a copy of the Bioefficacy (GEP) services flier click here
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