SynTech is now offering expanded laboratory, glasshouse and field testing capabilities for detecting and monitoring resistance and cross-resistance to agrochemicals. The service now includes characterization of molecular and physiological resistance mechanisms in weeds, pests and diseases.

Herbicide Resistance Screening

Our unique expertise and large weed seed collection, including groups 1, 2, 9, 10, 22 populations or biotypes, now allows testing of pre- and post-emergence herbicides in greenhouse and field trials.

These include micro-plots for testing small amounts of new candidates on resistant grass and broadleaf weeds.

Insecticide and Fungicide Resistance Screening

Our programs cover method development and validation services to assess efficacy of compounds against a wide range of targets. These allow selection of new molecules for dose-response studies through to advanced greenhouse trials.

Please contact us to learn more about our global capabilities in this area of R&D

Dr. Parsa Tehranchian, Early Stage Screening Global Lead

Mr. Eric Ythier, Global Sales/Marketing Director

For information on SynTech’s Biopesticide, Biostimulant and Early Stage Screening capabilities, please see the relevant links on the Bioefficacy (GEP) Services page  

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